Mais de uma centena de artigos publicados em periódicos internacionais revisados por pares como The Lancet, World Psychiatry, The Lancet Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. A seguir, seleção de artigos publicados (listagem completa pode ser vista aqui).

Time for united action on depression:
a Lancet-World Psychiatric Association Commission
Herrman H, Patel V, Kieling C, Berk M, Buchweitz C, Cuijpers P, Furukawa TA, Kessler RC, Maj M, McGorry P, Reynolds III CF, Weissman MM, Chibanda D, Dowrick C, Howard LM, Hoven CW, Knapp M, Kohrt BA, Mayberg HS, Penninx BWJH, Shuiyuan X, Trivedi M, Uher R, Vijayakumar L, Wolpert M. Time for united action on depression: a Lancet-World Psychiatric Association Commission. Lancet. 2022;399(10328):957-1022.

Youth mental health services:
the right time for a global reach
Kieling C, Salum GA, Pan PM, Bressan RA. Youth mental health services: the right time for a global reach. World Psychiatry. 2022;21(1):86-87.

Adolescent depression beyond DSM definition: a network analysis
Manfro PH, Pereira RB, Rosa M, Cogo-Moreira H, Fisher HL, Kohrt BA, Mondelli V, Kieling C. Adolescent depression beyond DSM definition: a network analysis. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021. doi: 10.1007/s00787-021-01908-1.

Social isolation as a core feature of adolescent depression:
a qualitative study in Porto Alegre, Brazil
Viduani A, Benetti S, Martini T, Buchweitz C, Ottman K, Wahid SS, Fisher HL, Mondelli V, Kohrt BA, Kieling C. Social isolation as a core feature of adolescent depression: a qualitative study in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. 2021;16(1):1978374.
The Identifying Depression Early in Adolescence Risk Stratified Cohort (IDEA-RiSCo): rationale, methods, and baseline characteristics

Kieling C, Buchweitz C, Caye A, Manfro P, Pereira R, Viduani A, Anés M, Battel L, Benetti S, Fisher HL, Karmacharya R, Kohrt BA, Martini T, Petresco S, Piccin J, Rocha T, Rohde LA, Rohrsetzer F, Souza L, Velazquez B, Walsh A, Yoon L, Zajkowska Z, Zonca V, Swartz JR, Mondelli V. The Identifying Depression Early in Adolescence Risk Stratified Cohort (IDEA-RiSCo): Rationale, Methods, and Baseline Characteristics. Front Psychiatry. 2021;12:697144.

Mind the brain gap: the worldwide distribution of neuroimaging research on adolescent depression
Battel L, Cunegatto F, Viduani A, Fisher HL, Kohrt BA, Mondelli V, Swartz JR, Kieling C. Mind the brain gap: The worldwide distribution of neuroimaging research on adolescent depression. Neuroimage. 2021;231:117865.

Depression in a youth population-based sample from Brazil: prevalence and symptom structure
Manfro PH, Belem da Silva CT, Anselmi L, Barros F, Eaton WW, Gonçalves H, Murray J, Oliveira IO, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Wehrmeister FC, Menezes AMB, Rohde LA, Kieling C. Depression in a youth population-based sample from Brazil: Prevalence and symptom structure. J Affect Disord. 2021;292:633-641.

Identifying adolescents at risk for depression: a prediction score performance in cohorts based in 3 different continents
Rocha TB, Fisher HL, Caye A, Anselmi L, Arseneault L, Barros FC, Caspi A, Danese A, Gonçalves H, Harrington HL, Houts R, Menezes AMB, Moffitt TE, Mondelli V, Poulton R, Rohde LA, Wehrmeister F, Kieling C. Identifying Adolescents at Risk for Depression: A Prediction Score Performance in Cohorts Based in 3 Different Continents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2021;60(2):262-273.

International consensus on a standard set of outcome measures for child and youth anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder
Krause KR, Chung S, Adewuya AO, Albano AM, Babins-Wagner R, Birkinshaw L, Brann P, Creswell C, Delaney K, Falissard B, Forrest CB, Hudson JL, Ishikawa SI, Khatwani M, Kieling C, Krause J, Malik K, Martínez V, Mughal F, Ollendick TH, Ong SH, Patton GC, Ravens-Sieberer U, Szatmari P, Thomas E, Walters L, Young B, Zhao Y, Wolpert M. International consensus on a standard set of outcome measures for child and youth anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Lancet Psychiatry. 2021;8(1):76-86.

Symptom clusters in adolescent depression and differential response to treatment: a secondary analysis of the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study randomised trial
Bondar J, Caye A, Chekroud AM, Kieling C. Symptom clusters in adolescent depression and differential response to treatment: a secondary analysis of the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study randomised trial. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020;7(4):337-343.

Identifying depression early in adolescence
Kieling C, Adewuya A, Fisher HL, Karmacharya R, Kohrt BA, Swartz JR, Mondelli V. Identifying depression early in adolescence. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2019;3(4):211-213.

Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children - Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL), DSM-5 update: translation into Brazilian Portuguese
Caye A, Kieling RR, Rocha TB, Graeff-Martins AS, Geyer C, Krieger F, Manfro GG, Brentani H, Isolan L, Rosário MC, Grassi-Oliveira R, Caetano SC, Moriyama T, Rohde LA, Kieling C. Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children - Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL), DSM-5 update: translation into Brazilian Portuguese. Rev Bras Psiquiatr. 2017;39(4):384-386.
What do psychotherapists do? A systematic review and meta-regression of surveys

Knapp P, Kieling C, Beck AT. What do psychotherapists do? A systematic review and meta-regression of surveys. Psychother Psychosom. 2015;84(6):377-8.

Child and adolescent mental health worldwide: evidence for action
Kieling C, Baker-Henningham H, Belfer M, Conti G, Ertem I, Omigbodun O, Rohde LA, Srinath S, Ulkuer N, Rahman A. Child and adolescent mental health worldwide: evidence for action. Lancet. 2011;378:1515-1525.

The age at onset of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Kieling C, Kieling RR, Rohde LA, Frick PJ, Moffitt TE, Nigg JT, Tannock R, Castellanos FX. The age at onset of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 2010;167:14-16.